Execute Instructions (GOs/Circular)

Sl. No. GO No &   Date Description View
1. G.O. Ms. No. 193
Dt: 27-06-1994
EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGES – Recruitment top State Government Vacancies, Local Bodies, State Owned Enterprises, Quasi Government and Statutory Bodies through the Employment Exchanges orders dated 25-03-1992 of Andhra Pradesh Administrative Tribunal in its Judgement on O.A. No. 25667 of 1991 and batch – Guidelines to the Employment Exchanges in the State – Issued. View
2. G.O.Ms. No. 113
Dt: 23-11-2007
L.E.T. & F DEPT.- Employment Exchanges – Recruitment through Employment Exchange for the services – Further instructions – Orders – issued. View
3. G.O. Ms. No. 28
Dt: 21-04-2001
Incentives for promoting the Information Technology Industry and Information Technology enabled Services, Bio-Technology Establishments, Export Oriented Units / Units in Export processing Zones and Tourism based Establishments – Self certification to be issued by the Managements under various Labour Acts and Rules – orders – Issued. View
4. G.O.Ms. No. 26
Dt: 28-06-2002
Self- Certification to be issued as an Annual Report by the managements of Information Technology Industry and Information Technology enabled Services, Bio-Technology Establishment, Export Oriented Units / Units in Export Processing Zones and Tourism based Establishments – Extended the facility of self – certification to all types of industries except major hazardous Industries – Orders – Issued. View
4. G.O.Ms.No. 15
Dt: : 06-08-2022
GUIDELINES – Labour Employment Training & Factories Department - Employment Exchanges – Recruitment to State Government Vacancies, Local Bodies, State Owned Enterprises, Quasi Government and Statutory Bodies through the Employment Exchanges – G.O.Ms.No.193 – Revised – Orders – Issued. View
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